Meaning Anthropology means holistic study of human with time and space.
The word Anthropology has been derived from the greek terms (arthropos - Human and logos - study)
Different anthropologist defined it in different ways. Few of the well known anthropologists are Aristotle (father of anthropology), Emanuel Kant, Edward bunnet Tylor ,Malinowski, Radcliffe brown, and Franz boas etc.
Scope - In hindi scope means "vistaar" or " visay ka dyara "
Whereas in English it means periphery upto which it has to be studied and it is brodly divided in two categories, namely
(1) Physical Anthropology
(a) human biology
(b) human evolution
(c) human variation
(d) human genetics
(2)cultural Anthropology
(a) prehistoric Archaeology
(b) paleontology
(c) Ethnology
(d) Ethnography
(e) economic Anthropology
(f) social Anthropology
(g) Religion
(h) Art, musicology, Recreation
(I) Folklore
(J) Ethnolinguistics
Other specialities of cultural Anthropology ----
(a) Urban Anthropology
(b) Political Anthropology
--- under political anthropology it can also be sub group as -
(I) Applied Anthropology
(II) Action Anthropology
Development Of Anthropology
Informally a few well intellect anthropologist philosphers started
Their step towards in this field
in 5th century BC. Few of them are
Herodotus, Strabo, Aristotle etc.
But formally it gained into
Currency between the 14th and 17th
When philosophical faculties in the
University of Germany was beginning to be nourished for Anthropology
During this period , Anthropology was
defined as systematic study of man as a physical and moral being.
The 18th century witnessed the publication of the book titled "Anthropology " by a well known German philosopher Emmanuel Kant .
During the beginning of 19th century
Encyclopedia Britannica defined it as discipline devoted to a discourse on human nature.
Scholars like Malinowski, Radcliffe Brown and Franz Boas defined Anthropology during the beginning
Of the 20th century as the study of man at all levels of developments.