Named disease : Parkinson's disease


Russian president is suffering from Parkinson's disease 

Parkinson's disease (which is also called as motor system  Parkinson's disease) is a type of neuro-degenerative disorder that affects primarly central nervous system particularly dopamine producing (dopaminergic) neurons in specific area of the brain called substantia nigra . 

In other words it is the progressive impairment and deterioration of neurons in the region of brain called sustantia nigra caued due to lack of vital brain Chemical dopamine presence 

Here dopamine as a chemical  messanger allowing communication between the  substantia nigra and another area of the brain called corpus striatum

It is found that it can be transmittedor inherited  to next  generation also. About 15-20% patients are found from family  history. It also occur due to environmental factors. 

Risk factors :toxins may be linked to Parkinson's include manganese, carbon monoxide,carbon disulfide and some other pesticides. It is also found that some of patients may suffer from head injuries caused due to various incidents 

It  Occurs usually the person who are above  60 years of age 

It is known by various other names also as idiomatic disease, idiopathic or primary parkinsonism, hypokinetic rigid syndrome, paralysis agitans, shaking palsy. 

It was first discovered and published in A manual of diseases of the nervous system (1886) by William Richard Gowers 

By and large it is basically a disorder of central nervous system that affects movement. 

Menifestations/ Syndromes  of Parkinson's disease 

. Masked facial expressions :face may show little or no expression 

. Tremors in the hands and legs usually when they are not in use 

. Slowness in the actions and activities -slow gait and the suffered person may face difficulty in walking and balance 

. Reduced arm swinging : arms may not swing while walking 

. Voice of a suffered person may become soft  or  slurred 

. Stooped posture : a person may bear the downward tilted neck  like  ostrich bird 

. Rigidity : muscle rigidity or stiffness of the  limbs - particularly common in the  arms, shoulders and neck

. Flexed elbows and wrists : joints of body loose their locomotory functions and bending at the  elbows,knees and hips 

. Forward  tilt of  trunk : a suffered person loose straight body posture

. To have gunslinger' gait - swinging power of right arm may become less as compared to left arm and can be observed asymmetrically reduced arm swing

. Gradual loss of quick movement which  mark a identification of mental silk and  reaction time 

. It may lead to decreased  blinking, decreased  frequency of  swallowing and drooling 

. A patient can undergo changes in his/her behaviour because of reasons evolved from this disease :

Sleep pattern and daily habitual action get affected,  Disturbing nightmares, pain in the  limbs, especially during sleeping night time 

Major consequence is Depression / dementia  symptom 

The is currently no cure for Parkinson's disease because its causes is still a big mystery  but diagnosis is based on symptoms by the medications( medication  L-DOPA, dopamine agonists)  and  surgery  process 

The following medical  treatment are as which focuses on to restore the proper balance of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and dopamine by increasing dopamine levels : 

These medications work by stimulating or regenerating the remaning cells in the substantia nigra to produce more dopamine. 

1. A combination of Levodopa and carbidopa is considered one of the most golden therapy for this disease 

2. Dopamine Agonists : this medicine is prescribed alone or with Levodopa which is used early stages of  disease or administered to lengthen the duration of  effectiveness Of  Levodopa. unlike Levodopa it has more  side effects than Levodopa so that doctors taken into consideration before prescribing it to patients  whereas tolcapone has  many  side effects also  which  need time to time scrutiny 

3. Selegiline : This medicine lessen the effects of activity of enzyme monoamine oxidise B, the enzyme which metabolizes with dopamine in the brain and breakdown the natural formed dopamine from levodopa .it also has many side effects and can be used after doctor's prescription 

4. COMT inhibitors : Entacapone and tolcapone are medicines which are used to treat fluctuations in response to levodopa. COMT is an enzyme that metabolizes levadopa in blood vessels. By blocking COMT, more and more levadopa can reach  brain which increase the effectiveness of treatment 

5.Anticholinergic medications :these medicine are more useful in the treatment of tremor and muscle  rigidity  as well as  medicine created parkinsonism a secondary  type  of  Parkinson's disease which is a side effect 

6. Amantadine : it helps in reducing various  symptoms of Parkinson's disease which often used with  levadopa and Anticholinergic medications. It  is usually used  early  stages of  Parkinson's disease  which also  has  many types of side effects 

6.Surgery : for a well living  conditions for patients suffering from uncontrolled disease  doctors often prefer surgery process which involves like pace maker for heart similarly for brain pace maker in which a metal frame to the skull under local anesthesia , using diagnostic imaging doctors (surgeon)  drills a small hole in the required region of brain about the size of a nickel in which surgeons create lesions using high frequency radio waves in the implanted deep brain stimulating electrode which in turn helping to relives the symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease 

7. Pallidotomy :this method is applied to the patients of aggressive Parkinson's disease in which inserting a wire probe into the globus pallidus - a very small  region of the  brain involved in the control of movement.      By applying lesions to globes pallidus can help to  restore the  balance that normal action required. 

By this process, medication process may  be eliminated 

There are  two more process as Thalamotomy and deep brain stimulation (DBS) , Music therapy which also play an important role in treatment 

Note : don't panic because it is generally old Age disease and can be  preventable by healthy lifestyle by following good excercise and nutritive Diet  and of course special care 

There are many famous personalities suffered from this disease and one of them is Mohammad Ali 


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