UNO : United Nations organisation

 UNO:  United Nations       organisation 

                                                                  An  International  organization was came into  force officially on      24 october 1945 after 2nd  world war with  the    purpose to:

. To maintain                                            international  peace  and security 

To promote economic and                   social development 

To  promote  human rights

   Initially there were 51                         member countries as a                         signatories but right. now it has.       193 member. countries and               South Sudan is added in july,             2011 as a latest country. 

 Headquarter of UNO is situated in --New York .

What is mean for?? UNO#

It is basically group of Nations/states/countries for mutual cooperation and to eliminate conflict and war between member countries with the aim evolution constructive decision for sustainable development and peaceful co-existence. 

Before UNO there was a body as forerunner as league of nations

Historical background  League of  nations 

In Europe and middle east there were empires as Austro-Hungarian, ottoman empire etc. These empires collapsed due to  1st world war. This happend because of  expansion ambition of empire  and ill will Approach for neighbouring countries. During this entire process about 20 million people died and new Nations were emerged : Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland. A scenario of new world order was emerged which showed breaks down of cooperation.  The ultimate result of new world order was as "League of nations " . A  organisation founded at the end of 1st world war after treaty of Versailles .it was basically root idea of  the then US president woodrow  Wilson and it cosisted of 28 founding  members but  a blunder/ drawback was USA was not a part of it. 

Aim of  League of nations : to settle international  dispute without any war  and  conflict of  interest. 

At that time two most influenced and dominated colonist super powers were France and Britain.

 Initial success 

It  was very successful and settled territorial disputes of early 1920:

* Finland and Sweden over  Aland       island 

* Germany  and Poland  over               Silesia 

* Iraq and Turkey  over the city of       Mosul 

But the very purpose it was created  could not prevent world war 2 and  it was it's biggest fumble and drawback. 




                 Warld war--2 images                                                                                                                             Weakness of league of  nations 

Absence  of  United  States of             America. 

@  Lack of  respect for  each other.        and unstable membership.  

     For eg: Germany  joined in 1926       but left in 1933 because of.                 dictator Hitler

     Similarly USSR was  expelled             from the group.Also Japan and         Italy left in 1933 and 1936.                 respectively.

The two  giant super powers just showed all that quietly and couldn't punish the aggressors because it was during the year 1928 the great economic distress occurred world wide and that global economic crisis led them to be frugal in order to secure their resources. 

As a consequence of this war over 72 million people died  and more than 100 million people were injured. European colonial empires collapsed and again  many new Nations emerged  which ravaged the influential powers and ultimately USA and USSR emerged as super powers. 

A clamour for new international order raised to peak until its calmination point is not reached. As a result United Nations organisation (UNO) came into force with much power and resources to keep the global bulkiness balanced with certain goals to be achieved in near future. But behind the backdoor there were a series of events that led to its composition, structure and functions. 

London declaration  june, 1941 which also known as  St.  James's palace declaration because a few of  dethroned / exiled government taken into asylum in  that palace. 

All came came together and  taken their vow and resolve to end the catastrophe war which was ready to engulf the mankind from earth. 

At last the time  came when they were  starting  their various rounds of  deliberative talks  and  actions. 

The  Atlantic charter -- August 1941

President of  USA  Roosavelt and  Wilson Churchill issued informally a joint declaration and taken vow to fight against axis power. 

Declaration of the "United Nations "-- 1942

The word United Nations was coined and adopted in this declaration for  the  first  time . Which was a grand allince of  26 countries against  axis powers against signatories government who pledged to maximum war efforts and bound them against making  separate peace. 

1943: Moscow and Tehran conference. 

In Moscow conference foreign ministers of USA, USSR and UK were met with the purpose of defining the basis of  a world organisation 

Whereas in  Tehran conference Main  leaders of the international fora met for the salvo  and  declared that they had prepared a constructive plan (concerted a plan)  to implement all this into  paper and  started a action towards final touch. 

Dumbarton oaks conference --1944

Dumbarton oaks basically a place in  Washington DC, USA  from where  principles were laid down  for world organisation is to be governed. 

4-powerful countries out of 26  member founding countries of grand  Alliance   given a proposal about structure of World organisation. 

February, 1945: yalta  conference 

Questions  related to  procedure of voting in  security council were  discussed  and  arrived consensus at the voting method.

San Francisco conference :1945

A milestone was achieved at this conference which endeavoured to give  final  touch  in this regard. 50 countries  were invited in this  conference but due to  poland didn't have recognized government thats why  they didn't send any  representative. UN charter was  signed on 26 july 1945 and put to vote  and  passed .

Sooner and later  poland  hurriedly joined after signing as one of the signatories. 

* The UN logo - created by     a team     of designers in   1945 - led by             Lincoln  lundquist

*  official languages are :                        Arabic, Chinese, English, French,      Russian, Spanish .

Before  UNO..... 

Three international bodies  were  running as:

1865: International                        Telecommunication   union

1874: Universal postal  union

1899 : permanent court of             Arbitration -- the  Hague

UN principal organs 

1. General Assembly 

2 Security council


3 Economic and social  council (ECOSOC)

4 .  Trusteeship council

5 . International court of         justice 

6 .  The Secretariat 

In the next  page  will  will  post  about  various  descriptions of  UN  principles. 


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